NLC India Invites Bids to Supply Central Inverters for 600 MW Solar Project


NLC India has invited bids for the supply of central inverters for a 600 MW solar project in Gujarat State Electricity Corporation’s (GSECL) Solar Park in Khavda, Gujarat, on a package basis.

The 600 MW Solar Power Project is intended to be developed by NLC through its wholly-owned subsidiary, NLC India Green Energy, in the GSECL Stage 2 solar park.

The last date to submit the bids is March 22, 2024. Bids will be opened on the same day.

The scope of work includes manufacturing, supply, packing and forwarding, transportation, including transit insurance of the central inverters, and supervision during erection, installation, testing, and commissioning works at the site.

The selected bidder must supply the central inverters within 180 days of receiving the purchase order.

Bidders must submit a bid guarantee of ₹3.28 million (~$39,574). Registered Micro and Small Enterprises are exempted from the bid guarantee. For orders valued at ₹1 million (~$12,065) or above, the selected bidders must also submit a contract performance guarantee equivalent to 10% of the total order value within 60 days of receiving the purchase order. The bank guarantee must be valid for the warranty period plus a claim period of three months thereafter.

The tender provides a purchase preference to local suppliers.

Bidders should have manufactured and supplied central inverts of 1.1 MW or higher capacity to a cumulative capacity of 150 MW through one or more orders for solar projects to government, quasi-government, public sector undertakings, public limited companies, or private limited companies in the last seven years.

The supplied central inverters must be successfully operating for at least one year from the date of commissioning.

Bidders must have a positive net worth as per the latest audited financial statements. Their average annual turnover must not be less than ₹197 million (~$2.38 million) for the last three consecutive financial years.

In January, NLC India invited bids to procure 393.9 MW of solar modules for the GSECL solar park in Khavda, Gujarat.

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