Water Sports Industry Association Launches New Website and Grassroots Advocacy Tool


ORLANDO, Fla., Feb. 27, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — The Water Sports Industry Association (WSIA) recently launched its new website, featuring clips from its award-winning Wake Responsibly video on the homepage.

The new website solidifies the WSIA’s role as the leading voice of the towed water sports industry, helping visitors and prospective members quickly find resources, sign up for membership, and read the most current WSIA articles and newsletters.

The site also features a new advocacy portal, where water sports enthusiasts can register to stay current on state legislation and local proposed ordinances that impact towed water sports in all 50 states. This is the first tool of its kind in the industry. Water sports advocates have a direct line to their state and local officials, helping to shape policies and promote shared access to our nation’s waterways.

“We are thrilled to launch our advocacy portal, where passionate water sports enthusiasts and our members alike can stay informed on what is happening on the state and local level,” said Lee Gatts, Vice President of Government Affairs at the WSIA. “Furthermore, this tool makes it easier to connect directly with state and local elected officials to influence the public policy-making process. We are proud to continue leading the industry with this innovative technology, connecting boaters to their elected officials faster than ever before.”

As the Water Sports Industry Association proudly launches its revamped website, wsia.net, we invite enthusiasts, professionals, and stakeholders alike to explore the dynamic hub of resources, insights, and connections it offers. With a commitment to fostering innovation, safety, and sustainability within the water sports community, WSIA’s new online platform is the new standard for collaboration and growth. Discover more at wsia.net today.

SOURCE Water Sports Industry Association

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