The Ticking Time Bomb of Depression


A Brighter Day Charity infographic for their tele-therapy partnership with Betterhelp

A Brighter Day offers financial assistance for therapy through Betterhelp. Visit to learn more.

A Brighter Day Charity infographic for their crisis text line and intervention support

Do you need help? Text BRIGHTER to 741741 to speak to a trained crisis counselor.

Teen mental health charity logo for A Brighter Day

A Brighter Day offers education, resources, and programs for teens and parents struggling with mental health. Explore their article center at to prevent a crisis and learn more.

Charity president speaks out for teen suicide prevention in light of tWitch suicide.

The reality here is that thousands of outwardly positive people do an amazing job of hiding their depression.”

— Elliot Kallen, President of A Brighter Day

SAN RAMON, CA, UNITED STATES, December 23, 2022 / — With the recent suicide of tWitch, public light about depression and suicide has made the front page again. tWitch was a celebrity. He was successful and fully functional. Some would say he had high-functioning depression, which may or may not be fully applicable as a phrase.

The noise around why he took his life is essential for the news headlines, but not for the conversation around the black walls of depression. In the next few weeks, the news will come out about his silent depression, the ability to hide what was happening behind his upbeat and infectious smile, and the shock and surprise of his friends and family.

But the reality here is that thousands of outwardly positive people do an amazing job of hiding their depression.

“My son, at age 19, full of life and vigor, took his life. No drugs, just the quiet background of depression. Depression finally won the tug-and-war battle for his soul. He jumped in front of an ongoing truck while a sophomore at the University of Montana. Like most suicide victims, tWitch and my son, Jake, left a hole in the hearts of his family that will last a lifetime.”

Here are some symptoms from the CDC on what to look for:

•Social Withdrawal
•General Apathy and A Lack of Enthusiasm
•Family Arguments and Discomfort
•Avoidance of Classes, Friends, and Work
•Eating Disorders
•Sleep Pattern Changes
•Difficulty With Concentrating

Here are a few ideas to challenge depression:

1. Make dinners cell phone-free. Communication is most important.
2. Ask great questions that will engage teens and family members.
3. Don’t be judgemental, it’s about them.
4. Find the best tool to help loved ones with depression as there are many.

Here are the tools A Brighter Day, a teen mental health charity, provides for the public – free of use. Everyone can visit them at

•They create free, original newsletters and written resources twice monthly. Join the mailing list or just learn from the website.
•They offer a free texting hotline and speak for up to 40 minutes daily with a trained professional. This is available 24/7 in all 50 states. Remember that teens love texting, so this is a great avenue to get them to open up.
•Just type BRIGHTER to 741741 and you will text-speak with someone in about five minutes.

Family members should get their struggling loved ones in front of a licensed professional. In-person appointments can take six to ten weeks to happen. A Brighter Day has teamed up with BetterHelp to offer Zoom counseling for teens and their parents in 7-10 days. As therapy can have a charge, sometimes one that people cannot afford, they created a program to help pay for these costs for teen counseling.

Depression is more common now than ever before and thankfully it is now topical and recognized. For more information, please go to

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Make a donation here to help stop teen suicide →
Learn more about Prosperity Financial Group →
Book an appointment with Elliot Kallen →

About A Brighter Day

A Brighter Day Charity is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded in 2015. It is based in the San Francisco Bay Area and works to bring awareness to teen mental health, provide educational resources to parents and teens, and ultimately stop teen suicide. A Brighter Day was founded by Elliot Kallen, President at Prosperity Financial Group, and his wife Tammy, in memory of their son, Jake Kallen.

For collaboration opportunities, please email Shaina Steinberg at

Elliot Kallen
A Brighter Day
+1 510-206-1103
email us here

Dave Righetti Advocates for Teen Mental Health with A Brighter Day Charity

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