Reserve Bank of India – Press Releases


Sr. No State / UT Amount to be raised
(₹ Crore)
Amount Accepted
(₹ Crore)
Cut off Price (₹) /
Yield (%)
1 Arunachal Pradesh 500 500 7.68 10
2 Bihar 2000 2000 7.70 15
3 Goa 100 100 7.65 10
4 Haryana 1000 1000 7.65 10
5 Jammu and Kashmir 900 900 7.56 25
6 Karnataka 1000 1000 7.67 13
7 Meghalaya 170 170 7.66 9
8 Nagaland 350 350 7.67 10
9 Punjab 400 400 100.54/7.6902 Reissue of 7.77% Punjab SGS 2033 issued on November 01, 2023
10 Telangana 1000 1000 7.68 14
11 Uttar Pradesh 2200 2200 7.68 11
2000 2000 7.70 12
  TOTAL 11,620 11,620    

Shweta Sharma      
Deputy General Manager

Press Release: 2023-2024/1330

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