NVBDC’s National awards honor Veteran Businesses and Corporations who have proven their commitment


Keith King, Founder & CEO, National Veteran Business Development Council (NVBDC)

Keith King, Founder & CEO, National Veteran Business Development Council (NVBDC)

Brigadier General (ret) Dick Miller, President, NVBDC

NVBDC national awards honor the corporations, Veteran businesses and, Resource Partners, who consistently contribute to the success of veteran-owned businesses.

DETROIT, MI, UNITED STATES, September 25, 2023 /EINPresswire.com/ — National Veteran Business Development Council (NVBDC) is gearing up for its biggest annual National Event; with Corporations and Veterans from around the country preparing for the largest Supplier Diversity-Veteran Business matchmaking event. The goal of NVBDC’s National Veteran Matchmaking Conference 2023, is to bring together supplier diversity professionals and veteran businesses in a face-to-face environment to provide procurement opportunities, build business relationships, and expand educational opportunities.

NVBDC’s National Veteran Award ceremony focuses on celebrating and honoring veterans, corporations, and advocates who support SD/VOBs year-round. (Please check out the agenda for more information.) NVBDC wants to honor you and provide Veteran Businesses with as many opportunities as possible; all while having some fun with the new business connections made.

NVBDC’s awards are now open!

Please read the criteria below and submit your nomination or application on the awards page of the NVBDC website.

CORPORATION OF THE YEAR: Presented to the corporation that has demonstrated its continued leadership in building an organization in support of America’s Veteran Business Owners. Whose industry leadership is an example to be emulated and respected. The external and internal advocacy in support of NVBDC’s certification program and our certified service-disabled and veteran-owned businesses is recognized.

VETERAN CHAMPION OF THE YEAR: (CORPORATE MEMBER): Presented to the individual within a corporation for their tireless efforts on behalf of our veteran business owners and the NVBDC. To the person that has proven their patronage and implementation of NVBDC’s certification program and support of our certified service-disabled and veteran-owned businesses. In recognition of their efforts on behalf of our veteran business owners and their active participation in the growth of the NVBDC.

VETERAN ADVOCATE OF THE YEAR: (CORPORATE MEMBER): Presented to the individual within a corporation that has demonstrated their external and internal advocacy in support of America’s Veteran Business Owners. Whose industry advocacy leadership has an impact inside their corporation and in the communities in which they serve. The advocacy they deliver in support of NVBDC’s certification program, and our certified service-disabled and veteran-owned businesses is an example to be honored and recognized.

CORPORATE SUPPORT AWARD: Presented to the individual within a corporation that has demonstrated their guidance and mentorship of the NVBDC in building an organization that meets the highest standards and best practices of the corporate supplier diversity industry. For their support of our veteran business owners and their active participation in the development of the NVBDC.

PRESIDENTS AWARD: The President and CEO review the activity of our corporations, individual corporate members, our certified veterans, and our resource partners. Recommendations are solicited from all NVBDC team members and submitted to the President and CEO for their deliberation and selection. Each awardee has exceeded a set of standards and criteria well above normal expectations. This award is at the discretion of the President and CEO and may be given multiple times. The standards and criteria are reviewed yearly to ensure we have an appropriate candidate for each award.

VETERAN BUSINESS OF THE YEAR: Presented to a veteran-owned business that has exceeded industry standards and has had significant growth through additional creation of jobs, while showing its commitment to social responsibility and exemplifying strong community involvement, while also achieving overall impressive business performance. Presented to a veteran-owned business that has achieved significant success in employing new and innovative techniques, leading to a significant increase in market share, job growth, and customer satisfaction. For outstanding advocacy on behalf of their fellow Veteran Business Owners and dedication to the NVBDC.

REGIONAL RESOURCE PARTNER OF THE YEAR: As defined by the geography that the resource partner oversees, the award is presented to an individual or organization that has demonstrated significant accomplishment in advocating for veteran-owned businesses as an economic force in their region of influence. It is presented to the organization or individual whose business practices have significantly impacted the growth and development of the NVBDC and our certified service-disabled and veteran-owned businesses.

NATIONAL RESOURCE PARTNER OF THE YEAR: The award is presented to an individual or organization that has demonstrated significant accomplishment in advocating for veteran-owned businesses as an economic force in the national and global economy. The award recognizes individuals who have achieved significant results in creating diversity, expanding veteran-owned businesses, and who have demonstrated exceptional leadership in the public or private sectors. It celebrates high standards of excellence, dedication, and accomplishment over a sustained period of time. The award is granted to an individual or corporation who has played an integral role in the creative, technical, or professional progress of the NVBDC and veteran-owned business development.

MEDIA PARTNER OF THE YEAR: TV, Radio, or Newspaper Veteran reporter focused on promoting current industry events advocating for Veteran Businesses and Supplier Diversity, Regular stories, advertisements, and features that help Military Service Members and/or Veterans transition into civilian life, supports expanding industry initiatives through ongoing reports that help promote veteran entrepreneurship.

For more information on how to become an NVBDC Certified SD/VOB. Please visit our website: www.nvbdc.org or contact us directly: (888) CERTIFIED.

NVBDC’s National awards honor Veteran Businesses and Corporations who have proven their commitment.


NVBDC is the only Veteran Owned Business Certification organization developed by Veterans, for Veterans. The purpose is to provide a credible and reliable certifying authority for all-size businesses ensuring that valid documentation exists of Veteran ownership and control.

Keith King, Founder & CEO
National Veteran Business Development Council
+1 313-446-6885
email us here
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