World Suicide Prevention Day 2023
Marking World Suicide Prevention Day with the Theme “Creating Hope Through Action”
WASHINGTON DC, DC, UNITED STATES, September 10, 2023/EINPresswire.com/ — World Suicide Prevention Day is observed every year on the 10th of September to draw attention to this important public health issue globally and to disseminate the message that suicides are preventable. we unite under the theme “Creating Hope Through Action” to emphasize the importance of collective efforts in preventing suicide and fostering mental well-being.
Suicide is a complex and multifaceted issue that affects individuals, families, and communities worldwide. The WHO’s estimate of more than 700,000 annual suicide deaths underscores the urgency of action to prevent these tragic losses. Beyond these losses, many more individuals struggle with suicidal thoughts and attempts, highlighting the need for effective prevention measures.
This annual observance on September 10th serves as a reminder that every life is valuable and that by working together, we can make a difference.
Spread awareness – Raise awareness about suicide prevention by using various platforms such as social media, community events, and informational campaigns. Share statistics, facts, and messages that emphasise the importance of mental health and seeking help. You can even utilize hashtags related to suicide prevention to create a digital conversation around the topic.
Start Conversations – Initiate open and compassionate discussions about mental health and suicide prevention. Encourage people to talk about their feelings, struggles, and experiences without judgment. Changing the narrative around suicide through the promotion of hope can create a more compassionate society where those in need feel more comfortable in coming forward to seek help.
Reach Out – You can help give hope by reaching in to somebody in distress. You do not need to tell them what to do or have solutions, but simply making the time and space to listen to someone about their experiences of distress or suicidal thoughts can help. Small talk can save lives and create a sense of connection and hope in somebody who may be struggling.
Support Organisations – Identify and support local and national organisations that are dedicated to suicide prevention and mental health support. This could involve volunteering time, donating, or participating in fundraising events. Every little action is important as it helps to create hope.
Share your story – Sharing your story of lived experience (whether it’s your own experience of suicide or that of supporting someone) is extremely powerful. It can strengthen and inform our understanding and approaches to suicide. It helps connect us to more human experiences and ensures we develop more appropriate and nuanced responses.
Learn the signs – Educate yourself and others about the warning signs of someone who might be at risk of suicide. This includes anxiety, depression, reckless behaviour, hopelessness, mood changes, and withdrawal. Being informed about these signs enables you to reach out and offer support.
General communication enquiries:
• Globally: Communications@iasp.info
Notes for editors:
The International Association for Suicide Prevention
The International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP) leads the global effort in suicide prevention having developed an effective forum that is proactive in creating strong collaborative partnerships and promoting evidence-based action in order to reduce the incidence of suicide and suicidal behaviour (www.iasp.info). Established in 1960, IASP is the largest international association dedicated to suicide prevention and to the alleviation of the effects of suicide and collaborates closely with relevant international organisations.
World Suicide Prevention Day
World Suicide Prevention Day (WSPD) was first launched in 2003 on 10 September by IASP with the endorsement of the World Health Organisation (WHO). The 10th of September each year has been designated as a way of focusing attention on the problems of suicide worldwide. Specific WSPD activities have taken place in over 70 countries with the purpose of raising awareness globally of suicidal behaviour. https://www.iasp.info/wspd/
Important note: Journalists reporting on this subject are advised to include information on relevant help lines and websites. The following website provides details of Crisis Centres around the globe: https://www.iasp.info/crisis-centres-helplines/
Katherine Thomson
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Creating Hope Through Action