LIS Technologies Inc. Announces the Addition of Tom Blees,


New York, N.Y., Aug. 17, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — LIS Technologies Inc. (“LIST” or “the Company”), a USA based, proprietary developer of a patented advanced laser technology with a wide range of applications including uranium enrichment, with several major advantages over traditional methods such as gas diffusion and centrifuges, just announced that Tom Blees, President of the Science Council for Global Initiatives, has been appointed to the Company’s Board of Executive Advisors as Head of Corporate Initiatives.

“It is a pleasure to welcome Tom to the LIS Technologies team,” said Christo Liebenberg, Chief Executive Officer of LIS Technologies Inc. “He is a dedicated patron of the sciences and has a deep understanding of the energy requirements and constraints that the world now faces. He has a proven track record of looking to tackle the world’s energy problems head on, and I am confident that Tom will be a crucial part of our success in the coming future.”

Tom Blees is the President of the Science Council for Global Initiatives (SCGI), an international NGO that includes climatologists, scientists, and engineers involved in cutting-edge energy systems and climate research. In his professional history, Mr. Blees has acted as a consultant and energy systems advisor to private industry and governments from the local to the international level.

“It is an honor to be involved with a team that has a meaningful opportunity to help reshape how the world creates its energy,” said Tom Blees, Head of Corporate Initiatives of LIS Technologies Inc. “The advent and continued funding of advanced nuclear reactors has created a surge of demand for advanced reactor fuel, without which it will be almost impossible to overcome the formidable energy challenges we are faced with today. The patented technology behind L.I.S.T can help usher in a paradigm shift in the way the world generates nuclear energy and take us to the threshold of an era beyond scarcity.”

Author of Prescription for the Planet – The Painless Remedy for Our Energy & Environmental Crises, he is actively involved in encouraging and coordinating high level international cooperation on advanced nuclear power system and fuel cycle projects with the USA, South Korea, Japan, China, the United Kingdom, South Africa, and other countries.

“Tom’s addition to our team is a great boon and comes at an opportune moment,” said Jeff Eerkens, Ph.D., Chief Technical Officer of LIS Technologies Inc. “The world is searching for a better way to generate its energy and I know Tom has a plethora of knowledge, network of industry professionals and understanding of how we can meet and overcome this challenge. I look forward to working closely with Tom to further develop our patented technology and better serve the rapidly expanding advanced nuclear reactor marketplace with L.I.S.T nuclear fuel.”

About LIS Technologies Inc.

LIS Technologies Inc. (LIST) is a USA based, proprietary developer of a patented advanced laser technology, making use of infrared wavelengths to selectively excite the molecules of desired isotopomers to separate them from other isotopomers. The Laser Isotope Separation Technology (L.I.S.T) has a huge range of applications, including uranium enrichment, and several major advantages over traditional methods such as gas diffusion and centrifuges. The LIST proprietary laser-based process is more energy-efficient and has the potential to be deployed with highly competitive capital and operational costs. L.I.S.T is optimized for High-Assay Low-Enriched Uranium (HALEU) for the next generation of Small Modular Reactors (SMR) and civil nuclear fuel, the production of stable isotopes for medical and scientific research, and applications in quantum computing manufacturing for semiconductor technologies. The Company employs a world class nuclear technical team working alongside leading nuclear entrepreneurs and industry professionals, possessing strong relationships with government and private nuclear industries.

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This news release contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. In this context, forward-looking statements mean statements related to future events, which may impact our expected future business and financial performance, and often contain words such as “expects”, “anticipates”, “intends”, “plans”, “believes”, “will”, “should”, “could”, “would” or “may” and other words of similar meaning. These forward-looking statements are based on information available to us as of the date of this news release and represent management’s current views and assumptions. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance, events or results and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, which may be beyond our control. For LIS Technologies Inc., particular risks and uncertainties that could cause our actual future results to differ materially from those expressed in our forward-looking statements include but are not limited to the following which are, and will be, exacerbated by any worsening of global business and economic environment: (i) risks related to the development of new or advanced technology, including difficulties with design and testing, cost overruns, development of competitive technology, loss of key individuals and uncertainty of success of patent filing, (ii) our ability to obtain contracts and funding to be able to continue operations and (iii) risks related to uncertainty regarding our ability to commercially deploy a competitive laser enrichment technology, (iv) risks related to the impact of government regulation and policies including by the DOE and the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission; and other risks and uncertainties discussed in this and our other filings with the SEC. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which apply only as of the date of this news release. These factors may not constitute all factors that could cause actual results to differ from those discussed in any forward-looking statement. Accordingly, forward-looking statements should not be relied upon as a predictor of actual results. We do not undertake to update our forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances that may arise after the date of this news release, except as required by law.

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