“Lackluster” crop insurance changes in 2024



“Lackluster” crop insurance changes in 2024

A crop insurance specialist suggests there aren’t many changes farmers need to pay attention to in 2024.

Cole Patrick is with Compeer Financial.

“To be honest, it’s a little lackluster (compared to) last year’s update, we saw a lot come through the pipe in recent years with the TOGA (Transitional and Organic Growers Assistance) program. A lot of double-cropping, written agreements, things like that.”

He tells Brownfield there are insurance updates for sugarbeets and relay cropping.

“Updated definitions around written agreements, good farming practices, a lot of administrative things that keep the underwriters (and the) operations staffs busy. But all is good and well because all of that is taken care of for the client.”

Patrick says farmers could see major changes to federal crop insurance one the new farm bill is signed into law.

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