Dr. Kelum Senanayake
CEO Dr. Kelum Senanayake has been appointed as an Executive Non-Independent Director at Arpico Insurance PLC with the approval of the Insurance Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka.
He was appointed as CEO in March 2021.
Senanayake brings to the table a wealth of experience and exposure spanning over forty years, from both local as well as multinational Insurance companies and also makes history by becoming the first and only CEO in the Sri Lankan Insurance industry to hold the coveted Million Dollar Round Table (MORT) status achieved in Sri Lanka, in an impressive 133 days.
He started his career in the year 1982 at Mercantile Credit Ltd., (the principal agent for National Insurance Corporation) and thereafter moved to Union Assurance PLC where he was attached for 27 years and rose to the rank of Assistant General Manager. Thereafter he joined AlA Insurance Lanka as General Manager – Operations prior to being promoted to the position of Director – Operations, where he served for 10 years.
During his illustrious career he has served at both strategic and operational levels and has also been actively involved in developing and managing processes that govern new business underwriting, policyholder servicing, claims, group life operations, reinsurance, product development, contact centres, customer experience and various other areas. Furthermore, throughout his career he has developed a strong relationship with numerous global reinsurers such as Munich Re, Hannover Re and Reinsurance Group of America (RGA). In addition to being a management professional, he is also a respected trainer who has trained over 20,000 insurance professionals during his career. Moreover, he has received Insurance and Management training in the UK, Germany, Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Thailand, India and South Africa.
A product of Ananda College Colombo, he holds a Diploma in Business Management from Worldview Institute, a Master of Business Administration from the University of Western Sydney and holds an Honorary Doctorate in Business Administration from the London University of Peace. Senanayake was appointed to the Directorate of Richard Pieris Finance Ltd. in December 2021 and Richard Peiris Distri butors in November 2021.
With the latest appointment the Board of Aprico Insurance PLC comprises Ramal Jasinghe (Chairman), Kelum Senanayake (Executive Director/CEO), Lasinee Serasinhe, Shiron Gooneratne and Dilrukshika Fernando.