Dispelling the Myths of Jonestown


Ed Norwood, a multi-award-winning author, held his inaugural book reading/signing at Barnes and Noble, Huntington Beach, on 11/19/2023 to inspire storytelling.

COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA, UNITED STATES, November 21, 2023 /EINPresswire.com/ — To commemorate the 45th anniversary of the Jonestown Tragedy, Ed Norwood, a multi-award-winning author, did his inaugural book reading/signing at Barnes and Noble, Huntington Beach, and was interviewed by the OC Register, and “The Chris Voss Show” about his book, “Be A Giant Killer: Overcoming Your Everyday Goliaths.”

On that tragic day, 27 of Ed’s relatives (including his grandma, aunt, and close seven cousins) were among the 918 people killed by Jim Jones in a mass murder that shocked the world.

In the interview, he explains how we underestimate the impact of family history and importance of not repeating the mistakes of previous generations. He explained how there are things in our lineage that can affect how we love, lead, resolve conflict, forgive, and value people.

During the anniversary of the atrocities that took place in Jonestown, he shared:

“People relive the stories we don’t tell, the hurts we don’t heal, and history we don’t rewrite. Telling your story can be scary. Facing a giant in your family history can test, sharpen, or fracture relationships. But history is simply one’s story. No matter how successful, shameful, or broken we are, there are some things that must descend from us to the next generation. Hard conversations to have with past and future generations. Wounds and resentments to dig out, because the little boy and girl in us deserves to be heard.”

The Chris Voss Podcast: https://thechrisvossshow.com/the-chris-voss-show-podcast-be-a-giant-killer-overcoming-your-everyday-goliaths-by-ed-norwood/

OC Register: https://www.ocregister.com/2023/11/18/on-45th-anniversary-survivors-remember-the-jonestown-massacre/

Be A Giant Killer Book Reading and Signing (11/19/2023): https://stores.barnesandnoble.com/event/9780062162939-0

About the Author

Ed Norwood is President of ERN/The National Council of Reimbursement Advocacy. He has been recognized as a unique and distinctive authority in transitional leadership and administrative laws that govern the healthcare delivery process. Ed has done hundreds of media interviews and lectures worldwide, focusing on public policy, healthcare advocacy, leadership development, and the lessons of the Jonestown Tragedy.

Ed is available for interviews, podcast tours, news segments, and speaker sessions in person, hybrid, or online. Contact dianacroeser@ernenterprises.org to share him with your audience.




About the Book

With fourteen (14) awards to its name, “Be A Giant Killer: Overcoming Your Everyday Goliaths” is touching people’s hearts everywhere! Drawing from his life experiences, Ed inspires his readers to face past and present giants, and tell their story. Through multiple podcasts, radio interviews, speaker events, and news interviews, Ed has been able to speak into the lives of people about trauma, leadership, shame, and restoring bad family history.

“Be A Giant Killer” is available for purchase on Barnes and Noble, Amazon, Target, Walmart, and various news outlets. Read the five-star reviews below:


Ed Norwood
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