Popular Telugu actor Chiranjeevi is celebrating his 65th birthday on Saturday and owing to the prevailing impact of COVID-19, he has requested his humongous fan base to keep the celebr
ations low-key this year and encouraged them to carry forward social activities like donating blood and planting trees by following social distancing norms with not more than 10 people at the gathering. While Ram Charan has unveiled the common DP (Display Picture) of his father’s birthday on Friday, 100 celebrities who include superstars, actors, actresses and directors from all four languages of South cinema have released the Common Motion Poster of Tollywood’s Megastar.
With this unmatchable tribute, the hashtag #HBDMegastarChiranjeevi is trending like no other on social media and netizens are going gaga over the heroic introduction of their demigod in the motion poster. Since morning itself, birthday wishes started to pour in for the veteran warhorse of Telugu cinema from south Indian celebrities and commoners.